Sunday, November 16, 2008

Discover the Power of Social Media Marketing in getting more exposure & Traffic to Your Site

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is an internet marketing strategy which seeks to achieve branding and marketing communication goals for your business or website through social media channels. Whether you are selling services/products or just publishing content for ad revenue generation, social media marketing constitutes a cost-effective promotional method that will help your site get maximum traffic.

Necessity of Social Media Marketing:-

Nowadays an increased number of companies are queuing up for social media marketing and trying to evaluate the possibilities of social media as a marketing channel for their business prospects instead of firmly sticking to traditional search engine optimization techniques like link exchanges, search advertising or the purchase of editorial ads and banners on relevant sites.
Reasons for such a sudden change in this online marketing strategy may be ascribed as follows:
• Unlike paid advertising, it helps your site reach to a huge audience base in a spontaneous manner and builds up natural links without any discernible pattern.
• Through strategic social marketing skill social communities can be exploited to get a huge source of web traffic.
• Social media marketing has the ability to create huge number of links free of cost thereby giving you high return in turn of low investment.
• Though social media marketing deals with community-centric optimization methods, it complements and goes well with other advertising campaigns carried out to get targeted traffic to your site.

Value of Social Media Marketing for Your Website: -
Social media marketing is all about the creation of viral content or link bait and effectively promoting and spreading them among targeted audiences through successful social media channels. However developing link baits and getting them popularized on various social media news websites like Digg and StumbleUpon will have multiple SEO benefits for your website which are as follows:
• A large number of natural and permanent links from trusted social media domains develops authority for your site which search engines used to trust most. Thus you can get higher search engine ranking faster for certain competitive keywords provided that you optimize your linkbait and website structure properly.
• Social media news site are just like an interactive platform where you will get a chance to be heard or read, even for a brief moment or for a few hours. The people who find your message appealing enough will visit your site and recommend it to others. Such community supporters count for both primary and secondary traffic for your site. Visitors who land on your site directly from social media websites form your primary traffic part whereas referral traffic from websites which link to and send you visitors is your valuable secondary traffic.

Role of Social Media in Making Money for Your Site:-

Social media marketing is an excellent way to invite people to come into your site to have a look at your products or services on offer. The more community supporters a social media marketing site has, the greater is the chance of spreading your brand awareness. Thus your business can grow only when you campaign for social media sites having a group of regular visitors who will readily act upon your message and help it spread further. In this case your site needs to make an effort itself. As the core group of community supporters goes on recommending the site to others or make purchases themselves, your business will continue expanding and become profitable in everyway.

A solid social media strategy can greatly increase your site’s income potential apart from developing a natural link pattern and better search engine rankings for your site. Hence it is quite important for the success on every level even for established sites as it is a strategic and methodical process meant to establish your influence, reputation and brand within communities of potential customers, readers or supporters.